In the Sky This Month

The Moon stages some especially close encounters with several stars and planets this month. It teams up with Saturn and Mars in the dawn sky, along with Neptune, which is too faint to see with the eye alone. Mercury creeps in there as well, but it’s difficult to spot. The Moon snuggles especially close to Antares, the bright orange heart of the scorpion, near month’s end. The Summer Triangle begins to climb into the evening sky, along with Libra, the balance scales, a lead-in to the prominent summer constellation Scorpius. On the other hand, Leo, the lion, plunges head first toward the southwestern horizon.

The full Moon of May is known as the Milk Moon, Flower Moon, or Corn Moon.

Perigee May 5
Apogee May 17

Moon phases are Central Time.

Moon Phases

May 1 6:27 am
Last Quarter Last Quarter
May 7 10:22 pm
New Moon New Moon
May 15 6:48 am
First Quarter First Quarter
May 23 8:53 am
Full Moon Full Moon
May 30 12:13 pm
Last Quarter Last Quarter

Saturn and Aquarius

Aquarius the water bearer is in the east-southeast before dawn. The planet Saturn is near the left edge of the constellation. The solar system’s second-largest planet looks like a bright star.

Hercules Cluster

M13, the Hercules Cluster, is about 25,000 light-years away and contains several hundred thousand stars. It is low in the northeast at nightfall, along the line that connects the top two stars in the Keystone, a lopsided square that outlines the strongman’s torso.


Hercules the strongman is in the east and northeast at nightfall and swings high overhead during the night. Hercules is the Roman version of Heracles, a son of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods of Olympus.


Leo, the lion, is high in the south sky at nightfall. It consists of two patterns of stars. A backward question mark represents the lion’s head and mane, while a triangle of stars to the left forms the lion’s hindquarters and tail.

More Moon and Planets

The planet the next few mornings. The planet is passing farthest from the Sun, and it looks like a fairly bright star. Tomorrow, it’s to the lower left of the Moon during twilight, with Mars and Saturn to the upper right of the Moon.

Moon and Planets

Mars stands close to the lower left of the Moon at dawn tomorrow. The planet looks like a fairly bright orange star. The planet Saturn is about the same distance to the upper right of the Moon.

Moon and Saturn

The planet Saturn is in the dawn sky now. It looks like a bright golden star. Unlike a star, though, it doesn’t twinkle – its light holds steady. Tomorrow, it will stand close to the left of the Moon. The Moon will pass between Saturn and Mars the next morning.


Today is the date of Beltane, an ancient Celtic festival that was celebrated with bonfires. In Celtic culture, the date marked the beginning of summer, not the middle of spring as it does today. Some of Beltane’s traditions are preserved as May Day.

Cor Caroli

Cor Caroli, the Heart of Charles, is the brightest star of Canes Venatici, the hunting dogs. It’s to the right of the handle of the Big Dipper as night falls, and wheels above the dipper later on. It consists of two stars in a wide orbit around each other.

Hunting Dogs

The constellation Canes Venatici, the hunting dogs, is high in the east this evening. To find it, look for bright yellow-orange Arcturus well up in the east as darkness falls. Canes Venatici is to the upper left of Arcturus.

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