Moon Phase Calculator

Moon Phase Calculator

Moon rise/set times are available from the U.S. Naval Observatory.

January 2025

Latitude: °, Longitude: °, Timezone:

Wednesday 1
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
Thursday 2
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
Friday 3
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
Saturday 4
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
Sunday 5
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
Monday 6
First Quarter First Quarter
Tuesday 7
Waxing Gibbous Waxing Gibbous
Wednesday 8
Waxing Gibbous Waxing Gibbous
Thursday 9
Waxing Gibbous Waxing Gibbous
Friday 10
Waxing Gibbous Waxing Gibbous
Saturday 11
Waxing Gibbous Waxing Gibbous
Sunday 12
Waxing Gibbous Waxing Gibbous
Monday 13
Full Moon Full Moon
Tuesday 14
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Wednesday 15
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Thursday 16
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Friday 17
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Saturday 18
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Sunday 19
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Monday 20
Waning Gibbous Waning Gibbous
Tuesday 21
Last Quarter Last Quarter
Wednesday 22
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Thursday 23
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Friday 24
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Saturday 25
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Sunday 26
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Monday 27
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Tuesday 28
Waning Crescent Waning Crescent
Wednesday 29
New Moon New Moon
Thursday 30
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
Friday 31
Waxing Crescent Waxing Crescent
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