Premium Same-Day Audio Access


Listen to today’s episode of StarDate on the web the same day it airs in high-quality streaming audio without any extra ads or announcements. Choose a $8 one-month pass, or listen every day for a year for just $30.

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From: $8.00 for 1 month

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Want a discount? Become a subscriber by purchasing StarDate Magazine Subscription, Digital Magazine & Audio Combo or Magazine Combo Subscription!

Listen to today’s episode of StarDate on the web the same day it airs in high-quality streaming audio without any extra ads or announcements. Choose a $8 one-month pass, or listen every day for a year for just $30.

You can also get the premium audio plus a one-year subscription to the digital version of StarDate magazine for a reduced price.

Sign up now and get immediate access. Once your subscription starts, you will get an email with instructions for subscribing to your premium audio podcast with iTunes or any other RSS feed software.

Premium audio also will be available for streaming or downloading from today’s radio transcript page:

Note: Access to audio of all programs prior to the current day will continue to be freely available through our podcast and on this website. Individual subscriptions are for personal use only and may not be rebroadcast in any way without the prior written consent of the McDonald Observatory. If you would like to broadcast StarDate, please contact our affiliates manager, Casey Walker.

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