To look at a modern calendar, you’d think the early Romans couldn’t count very well. Today, for example, is the first day of November, the eleventh month of the year. But the name “November” means the ninth month. The name is a holdover from the earliest Roman calendar, in which the year began with March.
The start of the year was moved to January a century before the time of Julius Caesar. He affirmed that order when he set up the basic calendar we use today. But the names of the months remained the same – even though some, like November, no longer made sense.
In the modern calendar, November 1st is just another day. But to the ancient Celts, it marked the beginning of a new season – and a new year. Summer ended on October 31st, when the cattle and sheep were brought in from the pastures. Winter and the new year started the next day.
That day was called Samhain. The Celts lit bonfires to help out the Sun, which was growing colder and more feeble as the long nights of winter approached.
Because it was like a crack in time – a dividing line between both seasons and years – Samhain was a time when the souls of the dead were thought to roam free. Families opened tombs to release friendly spirits, and brought them food and other gifts. And people wore masks to hide themselves from evil spirits. Many of those ancient customs have been incorporated into the modern-day celebration of Halloween.
Script by Damond Benningfield