In the Sky This Month

There’s one major skywatching highlight this month, and it’s in the daytime sky: a total solar eclipse. The Moon will pass between Earth and the Sun, briefly turning day to night and allowing the Sun’s hot but faint outer atmosphere, the corona, to shine through. In the night sky, Jupiter is disappearing in the west, while Leo, Virgo, and the other constellations of spring climb higher into the evening sky.

The full Moon of April is known as the Egg Moon or Grass Moon.

Perigee April 7
Apogee April 19

Moon phases are Central Time.

Moon Phases

April 1 10:15 pm
Last Quarter Last Quarter
April 8 1:21 pm
New Moon New Moon
April 15 2:13 pm
First Quarter First Quarter
April 23 6:49 pm
Full Moon Full Moon


The Little Dipper is famous for the star at the tip of its handle: Polaris, the North Star. Its second-brightest star is Kochab, at the lip of the bowl. It’s to the right of Polaris at nightfall, and rotates directly above it in the wee hours of the morning.

Lyrid Meteors

The Lyrid meteor shower is building toward its peak, on Sunday night. Unfortunately, the Moon will be almost full then, so its glare will wash out all but the brightest of the “shooting stars.”

Time Bombs

Several time bombs are in view this evening. The list includes most of the bright stars of Orion, which is low in the west, plus Spica, the brightest star of Virgo, in the southeast. All of these stars are destined to explode as supernovas.

Moon and Leo

The bright star Regulus, the heart of the lion, stays close to the Moon the next couple of nights. It will stand to the lower left of the Moon at nightfall this evening, and to the upper right of the Moon tomorrow evening.

Jupiter and Uranus

Jupiter and Uranus are low in the west as twilight fades. Jupiter looks like a brilliant star. Uranus is above it tonight, by about the width of a finger held at arm’s length, but you need binoculars to see it. The planets will slide past one other on Sunday night.


The bright yellow-orange star Arcturus is in the east at nightfall. Arcturus is a little bit heavier than the Sun. Yet that small difference has a big effect on the star’s evolution: Arcturus entered a late stage billions of years earlier than the Sun will.

Moon and Gemini

The Moon creeps up on the twin stars of Gemini this evening. As night falls, Pollux and Castor are above the Moon. Pollux is on the left, and is a bit brighter than its “twin.”

Vanishing Hunter

One of the most beautiful constellations is dropping from view. Orion is low in the western sky at nightfall. Its three-star belt is almost parallel to the horizon. Its two brightest stars bracket the belt: orange Betelgeuse above, and blue-white Rigel below.

Moon and Leo

The star El Nath, which marks the tip of one of the horns of Taurus, the bull, is close above the Moon at nightfall. The Moon will slide closer to it during the evening.

Vaporizing Planet

The constellation Aquarius is in the east and southeast at dawn tomorrow. One of its most interesting features is a star system known as WASP-69. It has a giant planet that is so close to the star that the planet is vaporizing from the intense heat.

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